12 Steps How to Get Verified on X

Are you wondering how to get verified on X? Getting that blue checkmark next to your name can elevate your social media presence.

We will share twelve effective ways to help you secure your Twitter verification. From building your profile to leveraging external support, these steps are practical and actionable. 

Let’s dive in and get you that Twitter verification badge.

How to Get Verified on X

Get a Verification Checkmark from X

Earning a Twitter verification badge can significantly enhance your credibility and visibility. 

These strategies will guide you whether you are an influencer, business owner, or someone looking to boost your social media presence.

1. Use SidesMedia

We at SidesMedia understand the importance of a solid social media presence. 

Boosting your followers and likes is one effective way to grow your account quickly and increase your chances of Twitter verification. 

Purchasing X followers from SidesMedia can significantly enhance your profile’s visibility and engagement.

We offer real and active subscription and followers who interact with your content, giving your profile the credibility it needs. 

This increased engagement can help attract more organic followers and show X that you are an influential figure on the platform. 

Our services are designed to help you achieve a strong and authentic presence, which is crucial for Twitter verification.

2. Complete Your Profile

Ensure your profile is fully completed with all necessary details. 

Include a clear profile picture, bio, header image, and other relevant information showcasing your identity and professionalism.

A well-crafted bio should clearly state who you are and what you do. Use keywords related to your field to make it easier for people to find you. 

For example, if you are a digital marketer, include terms like “digital marketing expert” or “social media strategist” in your bio.

In addition to your bio, make sure your profile picture is professional. A clear, high-quality image of yourself or your logo can make a significant difference. 

Your header image should also be relevant to your brand and visually appealing. Together, these elements help create a cohesive and professional image.

3. Consistent Content Posting

Regularly post high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Consistency in posting demonstrates your active engagement on the platform, which is crucial for Twitter verification.

Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts. This ensures you maintain a steady flow of content without overwhelming yourself. 

Aim to post at least once daily or a few times a week, depending on your capacity.

Your content should be a mix of different formats, such as photos, videos, articles, and live streams. 

Engaging and diverse content keeps your audience interested and coming back for more. Use relevant hashtags to increase your reach and visibility within your niche.

4. Gain Media Coverage

Getting featured in credible media outlets adds to your authenticity. Contact local or niche publications to get your name and work recognized publicly.

Start by building relationships with journalists and bloggers in your industry. Pitch story ideas that highlight your expertise and unique perspectives. 

Guest posting on popular blogs can also help you gain exposure and build your credibility.

Keep a record of your media mentions and features. Highlight these on your X profile to showcase your public presence and the recognition you have received. 

Media coverage can significantly boost your chances of getting verified, as it shows you are a notable figure in your field.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Interact with your followers through comments, replies, and direct messages. 

Engaging with your audience builds a loyal community and shows your commitment to being active on the platform without losing Twitter followers.

Respond to comments on your posts and participate in discussions relevant to your industry. 

Hosting live Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything) can also help you connect with your followers more personally.

Showing genuine interest in your audience’s opinions and feedback fosters community and trust. This active engagement is crucial for building a strong and credible presence on X.

6. Grow Your Followers

Twitter Blue Badge

Having a substantial number of followers can influence your Twitter verification status. Focus on organic growth by creating valuable content and networking within your niche.

The best solution is to buy Twitter followers from SidesMedia. Don’t worry about the safety of buying Twitter followers; we follow every guideline and condition.

Collaborate with other influencers or brands to expand your reach. Cross-promotion can help you gain exposure to a broader audience.

Participate in relevant industry events and online forums to network with potential followers.

Running contests or giveaways is another effective way to attract new followers. To maximize participation, promote these activities across your social media channels.

7. Use a Professional Email Domain

Register your account with a professional email address that matches your business or personal domain. This step adds an extra layer of credibility to your profile.

Using a custom email domain shows you are serious about your online presence. It also makes it easier for X to verify your identity and legitimacy. 

Ensure that all your contact information on your profile is consistent with your professional branding.

8. Get Recommendations

Ask for recommendations from notable figures or influencers in your industry. Their endorsements can significantly boost your chances of getting verified.

Contact colleagues, mentors, or industry leaders who can vouch for your expertise and credibility. 

Feature these recommendations on your profile to showcase your support from respected individuals in your field.

Recommendations serve as social proof and demonstrate that you are a trusted and influential figure. This can significantly enhance your chances of getting verified on X.

9. Be Transparent

Ensure your profile reflects transparency about who you are and what you do. Avoid pseudonyms and ensure that your name and bio accurately represent your identity.

Transparency builds trust with your audience and with X’s verification team. Clearly state your role, achievements, and affiliations. 

This makes verifying your identity and significance within your industry easier for X.

Avoid using ambiguous or misleading information in your profile. Keep your bio and other details straightforward and accurate.

10. Follow Community Guidelines

Adhere strictly to X’s community guidelines and terms of service. Violations can harm your chances of getting verified.

Familiarize yourself with the platform’s rules and ensure all your content complies with these guidelines. 

Avoid posting anything considered offensive, inappropriate, or against the platform’s policies.

Maintaining a clean and compliant profile is crucial for Twitter verification. Any violations or reports against your Twitter account can significantly delay or hinder verification.

11. Network with Verified Accounts

Build connections with already verified accounts. Engaging and collaborating with them can increase your visibility and improve your chances of verification.

Reach out to verified users in your industry and engage with their content. Comment on their posts, share their content, and participate in discussions. 

Building relationships with verified users can help you gain exposure and credibility.

Collaborations with verified accounts can also lead to X growth services and recognition. 

Working together on projects, events, or campaigns can showcase your influence and increase your chances of getting verified.

12. Apply for Verification

Finally, apply for verification through X’s official process. Provide all necessary documents and information to support your application.

Before applying, ensure that your profile is fully optimized and meets all the criteria. 

Gather additional supporting documents, such as media coverage, recommendations, and proof of identity.

Submit your application through X’s verification portal and be patient. 

The legacy verification program and process can take some time, so continue to engage with your audience and build your presence while you wait.

Other Verification Types on X

Verification Types on X

Verification on X (formerly known as Twitter) goes beyond the well-known blue badge for individuals. 

Several other types of verification are available, each catering to different user categories, including organizations and governmental bodies. 

These verification types help establish credibility and authenticity across a variety of accounts.

Verified Organizations

Verified Organizations on X receive a gold checkmark, distinguishing them from individual accounts. 

This type of verification is designed for businesses, non-profits, governments, and other official entities. Verified Organizations enjoy several benefits:

  1. Gold Checkmark and Square Avatars: Verified businesses receive a gold checkmark and a square avatar, making them easily identifiable. This helps establish brand authority and trust among followers.
  2. Affiliation Badges: Organizations can affiliate their primary Twitter account with subsidiary accounts, which also receive verification. For instance, a company can link its employees’ or departments’ accounts, showing clear organizational hierarchy and association.
  3. Premium Support: Verified Organizations have access to premium subscription and support for any issues related to their account, such as billing problems or impersonation issues. This ensures that any problems are quickly resolved, maintaining the integrity of the Twitter account.
  4. Custom Organization Profile: Verified Organizations can customize their profiles, including a tab that lists all affiliated accounts. This helps consolidate the brand’s presence on the platform and makes it easier for users to find related accounts.

To apply for verification, organizations must complete a sign-up form, provide payment information, and meet specific eligibility criteria, such as an active X account and a domain-specific email address​​​​.

Governmental and Official Entities

Governmental bodies and officials can receive a grey checkmark on X. This type of verification is crucial for distinguishing legitimate government accounts from impostors. Government verification helps in:

  1. Establishing Trust: Grey checkmarks indicate that the account represents a verified governmental organization or official, ensuring the information is credible and authentic.
  2. Enhanced Visibility: These accounts often receive priority in search results and recommendations, making it easier for citizens to find and follow them for official updates.
  3. Protection Against Impersonation: Verified government accounts are monitored closely to prevent impersonation, protecting the integrity of official communications​​​​.

X Premium

X Premium subscription, previously known as Twitter Blue, offers another verification route through a paid subscription service. This includes several benefits:

  1. Blue Checkmark for Subscribers: Users who subscribe to X Premium subscribed account receive a blue checkmark, signifying that their identity has been verified through payment and additional security measures.
  2. Exclusive Features: Subscribers can access features such as longer post lengths, fewer ads, and the ability to edit posts. These features enhance the user experience and provide additional value for verified users.
  3. Priority in Search and Replies: Verified accounts enjoy increased visibility, appearing higher in search results and replies, which can help grow their follower base more quickly.
  4. Increased Engagement: Users often see higher engagement rates on their posts with the verification badge, as followers are more likely to trust and interact with verified accounts​​​​​​.

Meta Verified and Other Platforms

Like X, other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram (owned by Meta), offer verification services. These services are tailored to meet the needs of their user base:

  1. Meta Verified: This paid service on Facebook and Instagram includes features like account protection from impersonation, access to customer support, and increased visibility in certain platform areas. Users must verify their identity through government-issued IDs and a selfie video​​.
  2. Instagram and Facebook Verification: These platforms verify accounts of notable public figures, brands, and organizations with blue checkmarks. The criteria for verification include authenticity, uniqueness, completeness, and notability​​.

Eligibility Criteria for X Verification

To get verified on X, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. These criteria ensure that only authentic and notable accounts receive the verification badge. 

Here are the main points to consider:

  • Complete Profile
    • A profile picture.
    • A display name.
    • A confirmed phone number and email address.
  • Active Use
    • Regular activity within the last 30 days.
  • Security Measures
    • The account must be secure and have two-factor authentication enabled.
    • No recent changes to the profile photo, display name, or username.
  • Compliance
    • Adherence to X’s community guidelines and terms of service.
    • No signs of deceptive practices, platform manipulation, or spam.
  • Notability
    • Account must represent a recognized brand, business, organization, or individual with substantial influence and public interest.

Ensuring your account meets these previous criteria increases your chances of getting verified on X​​​​​​.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get a Verification Checkmark on X

How long does it take to get verified on X?

The verification process on X can vary significantly in terms of duration. Once you submit your application for verification, it can take from a few days to several weeks to receive a response. 

The timeline depends on several factors, including the volume of requests X is handling at any given time and the completeness of your application. 

Ensuring that all required information and documentation are accurately provided can help speed up the process. 

However, there is no guaranteed timeframe, and some applicants may experience delays if additional verification is required​​​​.

How do I get my X account verified?

To get your X account verified, you need to follow a specific process:

  1. Complete Your Profile: Ensure your profile includes a profile picture, display name, bio, and a confirmed phone number and email address.
  2. Active Use: Maintain regular activity on your account, with recent posts within the last 30 days.
  3. Submit Verification Request: Go to the settings menu and select the verification option. You must provide proof of identity, such as a government-issued ID, and any additional documentation supporting your notability, like media articles or a substantial following.
  4. Meet Eligibility Criteria: Your account should represent a well-known and highly searched-for person, brand, or entity. Compliance with X’s terms of service and community guidelines is also crucial.
  5. Wait for Review: After submitting your verification request, wait for the X team to review your application and notify you of their decision​​​​​​.

How much does it cost to get verified on X?

The cost of verification on X varies based on the type of verification. 

Individual users can obtain a blue badge through an X Premium subscription (formerly Twitter Blue), typically costing around $8 monthly. 

Verified organizations that receive a gold checkmark incur a more significant expense: a monthly premium subscription fee of approximately $1,000 plus additional charges for each affiliated account. 

Governmental organizations can receive a grey checkmark, often without a premium subscription fee, but they must meet Twitter’s eligibility criteria and undergo a rigorous verification process​​​​.

Does being verified on X help?

Being verified on X offers several advantages. Firstly, it establishes credibility and authenticity, enhancing your reputation and trustworthiness among followers. 

Verified accounts also benefit from increased visibility, as they often appear higher in search results and may receive priority in replies and recommendations. 

Additionally, verification can protect against impersonation, ensuring that your account is recognized as a legitimate source of information. 

This increased trust and visibility can translate into greater engagement and influence on the platform​​​​​​for businesses and public figures.


Are you wondering how to get verified on X? Securing the blue badge on your profile can significantly elevate your strong online presence. 

By following the 12 steps outlined, including leveraging SidesMedia to boost your followers and engagement, you can enhance your credibility and visibility on the platform. 

Whether you’re an influencer, business owner, or simply looking to grow your social media management tool, these strategies provide a clear path to verification. 

Start implementing these steps today and take your X profile to the next level. Achieving verification is within your reach, and you can get there with consistency and the right approach.

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