When Is the Best Time to Post on Twitter

Finding the best time to post on Twitter is crucial for maximizing engagement and reach. 

By understanding when your audience is most active, you can schedule your tweets to ensure they get the most visibility. 

In this detailed guide, we will explore the best time to post on Twitter, supported by data and examples, to help you optimize your Twitter strategy.

When Is the Best Time to Post on Twitter?

Twitter Posting Best Time

Research indicates that certain peak times of the day are more effective for posting on Twitter without losing followers on Twitter

Generally, tweets posted during late mornings and early afternoons on weekdays see higher engagement rates. 

This is when users are likely to check their feeds during breaks or as part of their daily routine. However, the exact best time to post on Twitter can vary depending on your specific audience and industry.

Multiple studies have been conducted to determine the optimal times for posting on Twitter. 

According to a study by Sprout Social, the best time to post on Twitter is mid-morning and early afternoon. 

This study suggests that tweeting between 9 AM and 3 PM on weekdays yields the highest engagement rates and the best time to post on Twitter

Additionally, HubSpot’s research highlights that tweets posted around noon on weekdays receive higher click-through rates.

Understanding these general trends is important, but it’s also essential to consider your specific audience’s behavior. 

Analyzing your Twitter Analytics can provide insights into when your followers are most active, allowing you to tailor your posting time schedule to their habits. 

This personalized approach can significantly enhance your engagement rates.

What Are the Best Times to Tweet Each Day?


Mondays are often busy as people start their week, but tweeting between 9 AM and 11 AM can capture attention as users check Twitter for news and updates. 

For example, a study by Sprout Social found that tweets during this window tend to perform well because people are settling into their workweek and catching up on social media.

On Mondays, people are generally more inclined to check their social media accounts to catch up on news and updates they may have missed over the weekend. 

This makes it an ideal time to post engaging content that can draw them in. 

For instance, sharing motivational quotes, industry news, or promotional offers can be particularly effective on Monday mornings.


On Tuesdays, aim to tweet from 12 PM to 3 PM. This period aligns with lunch breaks and post-lunch lulls when people are likely to scroll through Twitter. 

According to HubSpot data, tweets sent during these hours see a noticeable increase in engagement, making it a prime time to share important updates or promotions.

Tuesday is often seen as a productive day where people are fully immersed in their work, and is the best time to post on Twitter

However, during lunch breaks or the early afternoon lull, many users check their social media feeds. 

This makes it a strategic time to post content that requires attention and interaction, such as polls, questions, or links to blog posts.


Wednesdays are often considered peak Twitter days. Posting time between 10 AM and 12 PM can be particularly effective. 

Buffer’s research shows that mid-week tweets have higher engagement rates as users seek a mid-week break and look for content to distract or entertain them.

Mid-week is a time when people are looking for a break from their routines. Tweets that offer a distraction or a bit of entertainment tend to perform well. 

For example, sharing humorous content, engaging questions, or visually appealing images can capture the audience’s attention on Wednesdays.


Thursdays from 1 PM to 4 PM are excellent for tweeting. Engagement levels remain high as the weekend approaches, and users are more likely to interact with content during afternoon breaks. 

This time slot can be ideal for promotional tweets or sharing insightful articles.

As the weekend approaches, people begin to wind down and may spend more time on social media. 

This makes Thursday afternoons an optimal time for sharing content that requires a bit more engagement, such as detailed articles, videos, or promotional offers that encourage interaction and sharing.

With this engagement, you can easily verify your account.


Fridays are tricky; engagement can drop as the weekend nears. However, tweets posted between 9 AM and 11 AM can still perform well. 

Data from CoSchedule suggests that early morning on Friday tweets can capture the audience before they check out for the weekend.

On Fridays, it’s important to capture the audience’s attention early in the day. Tweets that are lighthearted, fun, or related to weekend plans tend to perform well. 

Sharing content that resonates with the weekend vibe, such as event promotions, weekend sale announcements, or fun facts, can effectively engage users, which is why it is the best time to post on Twitter.


Saturdays generally see lower engagement, but tweeting between 10 AM and 12 PM can still reach users who check Twitter over their early morning coffee. 

Weekends are slower, but this window provides an opportunity to engage with a relaxed audience.

On weekends, people are generally more relaxed and may spend less time on social media. However, the morning hours are still a good time to catch users leisurely browsing their feeds. 

Content that is light, entertaining, or related to weekend activities can perform well during this time.


Sundays are also quieter, but tweeting from 11 AM to 1 PM can be effective. Users may browse Twitter for leisure or catch up on missed content from the week.

On Sundays, users might be winding down from their weekend activities and preparing for the week ahead. 

This makes it a good time to share reflective or inspirational content, as well as schedule posts that summarize the week’s highlights or provide a preview of what’s to come.

Which Works Better for Twitter: Weekdays or Weekends?

Post on Twitter

Weekdays generally outperform weekends for Twitter engagement. Users are more active during workdays, using Twitter as a quick distraction or to stay updated. 

Weekends see reduced activity as people spend time offline. 

However, understanding your audience’s habits is key. If your Twitter followers are more active on weekends, tailor your strategy accordingly.

Several studies have highlighted that weekdays see higher engagement rates compared to weekends which is why it is the best time to post on Twitter

This is primarily because people tend to check their social media accounts more frequently during work breaks or commutes. 

For example, Sprout Social found that weekdays, particularly Wednesday and Thursday, have the highest engagement rates.

However, this doesn’t mean weekends should be completely ignored. Depending on your audience, weekends can still be a good time to post content that is more casual and engaging. 

Analyzing your Twitter Analytics can help you determine the best days to post based on your audience’s behavior.

Best Time to Post on Twitter by Country

The optimal time to tweet can vary by country due to different time zones and cultural habits. Here are some insights:

United States

In the US, the best time to post on Twitter is between 9 AM and 3 PM EST on weekdays. This period covers morning and afternoon breaks across various time zones, maximizing reach.

For example, Eastern Standard Time (EST) encompasses major cities like New York and Washington, D.C., where business hours and social media activity are high during these times. 

Posting between 9 AM and 3 PM ensures that your tweets are seen by users during their most active hours.

United Kingdom

For the UK, tweeting between 8 AM and 10 AM GMT or 7 PM to 9 PM GMT can capture both morning commuters and evening leisure time, according to Hootsuite.

In the UK, people are most active on Twitter during their morning commutes and in the evening when they unwind from their day. 

This makes these times ideal for posting informative and engaging content, capturing users’ attention during their peak activity periods.


In Australia, 8 AM to 10 AM and 5 PM to 7 PM AEST are effective times, aligning with workday breaks and evening relaxation.

Australian users tend to check Twitter during their morning and evening routines. 

Posting during these times ensures that your content is seen by users when they are most likely to engage, such as during their morning commute or evening downtime.

Best Time to Post on Twitter by Industry

Different industries may have varying optimal tweet times based on their audience’s habits. Here’s a breakdown of some key sectors:

Tech Industry

For tech companies, tweeting during late mornings (10 AM to 12 PM) and late afternoons (2 PM to 4 PM) on weekdays can capture tech-savvy audiences who check Twitter regularly for updates and news.

The tech industry audience is often engaged with social media throughout the day, seeking the latest updates and innovations. 

Posting during these peak times can ensure that your content reaches a highly engaged audience, driving higher interaction rates.

Retail Industry

Retail businesses find success tweeting around 12 PM to 3 PM when users are on lunch breaks and more likely to browse and shop online. Weekends can also be effective for promotional tweets.

In the retail industry, timing your tweets to coincide with users’ shopping habits is crucial. 

Lunchtime and afternoon are ideal for reaching shoppers who are browsing online during their breaks. Additionally, weekend tweets can be effective for promoting sales and special offers.

Media and Entertainment

For media and entertainment, evenings (6 PM to 9 PM) and weekends perform well. This is when users are most likely to seek entertainment content.

The media and entertainment industry thrives on engagement during leisure hours. 

Posting in the evenings and on weekends aligns with when users are most likely to consume entertainment content, such as watching videos, reading articles, or engaging with interactive posts.

What Is the Worst Time to Post on Twitter?

Best Time for Posting on Twitter

Avoid tweeting late at night (10 PM to 6 AM), as engagement drops significantly during these hours. 

Additionally, early Monday mornings and late Friday afternoons tend to see lower interaction rates as users are either starting their week or winding down for the weekend.

Late-night tweets generally see lower engagement because most users are offline and not checking their social media feeds. 

Similarly, early Monday mornings are often spent catching up on work, while late Friday afternoons are when people are preparing for the weekend, making these times less effective for posting.

4 Valuable Tips to Find the Best Time to Post on Twitter

Discovering your specific best time to post on Twitter involves understanding your audience and experimenting. Here are some tips:

1. Analyze Your Twitter Analytics

Use Twitter Analytics to track when your followers are most active. This data can help you identify peak engagement times and tailor your posting schedule accordingly.

Twitter Analytics provides valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, including when they are most active and which types of content they engage with the most. 

By regularly reviewing this data, you can optimize your posting schedule to align with your audience’s habits.

2. Experiment with Different Times

Test different optimal posting times and analyze the results. Track engagement metrics such as buying Twitter likes, retweets, and comments to see which times yield the best results.

Experimenting with different optimal posting times can help you determine the optimal schedule for your tweets. 

Track the performance of your tweets at various times and adjust your strategy based on what works best for your target audience.

3. Use Scheduling Tools

Tools like Buffer and Hootsuite can help you schedule tweets at optimal times. These tools also provide analytics to refine your strategy over time.

Scheduling tools allow you to plan your tweets in advance and ensure they are posted at the best time to post on Twitter for engagement. 

Additionally, these tools offer analytics features that can help you track the performance of your tweets and make data-driven decisions.

4. Consider Your Audience’s Time Zones

If your audience is global, consider their time zones when scheduling tweets. Posting at times that align with their peak activity can enhance engagement.

For a global audience, it’s important to take time zones into your Twitter account. 

Scheduling tweets to align with peak activity periods in different regions can help ensure your content reaches a wider audience and receives higher engagement.

Extra Tip: SidesMedia

At SidesMedia, we understand the importance of timing your tweets perfectly. 

Our services help you maximize your Twitter strategy by providing insights and tools to boost your social media presence by purchasing Twitter retweets

Let us help you find the best time to post on Twitter and achieve your engagement goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time of day is the best time to post on Twitter?

The best time to post on Twitter is generally during late mornings and early afternoons. 

According to various studies, tweeting between 9 AM and 3 PM on weekdays is optimal for reaching the largest audience and achieving higher engagement. 

This timing aligns with users’ break times and periods when they are most likely to check their social media feeds​​​​.

What time do tweets get most engagement?

Tweets tend to get the most engagement during mid-morning and afternoon. Specifically, around 11 AM on weekdays is often highlighted as a peak time for engagement.

This period captures Twitter users who are actively checking their Twitter feeds during breaks in their workday or between tasks​​​​.

What is the peak time for social media?

The peak time for social media activity generally falls between 9 AM and 3 PM on weekdays, with other social media platforms and audiences showing slight variations. 

For Twitter, the late morning and early afternoon are particularly active for the Twitter account. 

However, the exact peak time can differ depending on the social media platform and the target audience’s habits​​​​.

How often should you post on Twitter to grow?

To grow on Twitter, it is recommended to post multiple times a day. Ideally, aiming for three to seven tweets per day can help maintain visibility and engagement. 

Consistent posting keeps your content in front of your audience and increases the chances of interactions. 

Regular Twitter engagement with followers, retweeting relevant content, and participating in trending conversations can also contribute to growth on the platform​​​​.


By following these guidelines and adjusting your strategy based on your audience and industry, you can learn the best time to post on Twitter and achieve higher engagement rates. 

Keep experimenting and analyzing to stay ahead of the curve and make the most of your Twitter efforts.

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